Low-Wage Worker Legal Network



The primary goals of the LWWLN are to facilitate joint training,  spark coordinated policy advocacy and to host an active listserv. About once a month, Network members are invited to participate in a national Zoom meeting to discuss a particular issue that arises in the representation of and advocacy on behalf of low-wage workers. Recognized experts in the field are enlisted to lead each training call.

The training calls also connect Network members who are interested in taking action to address the issues that are discussed. Through independent working groups, the energy and expertise contained within the Network can be channeled into concrete policy advocacy around pressing problems for low-wage workers.

We also host “Office Hours” once a month, where an experienced advocate hosts an hour-long conversation, answers questions, gives guidance and shares stories in an informal setting.


Membership in the Network is free and open to advocates for workers in low-wage jobs across the country. If you are interested in becoming a member, please request membership here.

The only requirement for membership is that you exclusively advocate for workers in low-wage jobs, and do not ever represent employers.

Training Resources

NWJP hosts LWWLN monthly training recordings and materials on this website. Also, we host the monthly trainings materials for the Agricultural Worker Section of the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA) presents monthly training calls for farmworker advocates.

Log into the Worker Advocate Resources to access to those trainings. If you need help with your username and/or password, please e-mail yannin@nwjp.org

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