
Sponsorship Levels



As a sponsor, your contribution is vital to continue NWJP’s work. We cannot succeed without the generosity of supporters like you.

How to Become a Sponsor:


• Step 1. Registration

To become a sponsor, please complete the following form:

> Sponsorship Form


Step 2. Sponsorship  Payment

After filling out the form, please pay for your sponsorship online or by check, according to your previous selection to finalize your registration.
As Square takes a 3% processing fee, checks are greatly preferred!


To pay for your sponsorship by check.
Please make payable to either NEED Fund or NWJP Action Fund and send to NWJP, 310 SW 4th Ave., Ste. 320 Portland, OR 97204


To pay for your sponsorship online.

> NWJP Action Fund, 1 501 (c) (4) nonprofit – NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE

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