NWJP is fortunate to be supported by our community in many ways. One important form of support is donated volunteer time.
Local attorney John Sutter has been representing public employee unions in Oregon for over twenty years. He currently represents the hourly workers at Chemeketa and Linn-Benton Community Colleges.
After NWJP started advising the emerging union, the Burgerville Workers’ Union, John stepped in with his vast experience in labor law to help Campaign and Alliances Coordinator/Staff Attorney Kate Suisman with the representation. He has put in countless hours of research, met with workers, helped strategize, and provided excellent legal advice. NWJP is grateful to John for his dedication to workers and the power of organizing.

The Burgerville Workers’ Union recently filed for an election with the National Labor Relations Board. Read more about the workers’ fight here or on their Facebook page. The workers have called for a boycott of Burgerville restaurants until management negotiates a fair contract.